Dear Parents,
November is always a busy month. Fall activities for kids are well underway, households are battening down the hatches in preparation for the winter, planning for the Christmas season begins to occur and, at the school, progress reports are being prepared. Despite all of this busyness, we mustn’t forget to take time to remember. Remembering the individuals that served our country in times of war isn’t just a good gesture, it’s a critical one. As a school, we will be taking time to formally remember the brave individuals who served our country. This event will occur on Friday, November 9th beginning at 12:45. It is a departure from the regular time and we have changed the time of our Remembrance Day Chapel to accommodate a special guest who will be joining us.
Although Remembrance Day is a quiet, reflective and even somber day we must use the day as a call to action to prevent future loss. As Jose Narosky once said, “In war, there are no unwounded soldiers.” Even those that escape physical damage are forever changed. The emotional and psychological wounds never heal. It is up to us and our children to actively pursue peace in order to avoid the human damage that undoubtedly occurs in the theatre of war. When we watch a devastating event like hurricane Sandy occur, it is unfathomable to think that people would purposely inflict such a horrific event upon other people. The destruction and loss of life is horrible. War is a natural disaster imposed upon ourselves and as Jeannette Rankin stated so well, “You can no more win a war than you can win an earthquake.”
It is our duty as adults in the world to train up faith filled and principled children that are equipped to avoid the catastrophic consequences of war. I believe that the Meadowlark Christian School community does a wonderful job at preparing kids for their futures. Despite making mistakes along the way, I can assure you that we don’t waiver from the focus of instilling the Christian principles and values that will allow our current students to become sculptors of our world’s future.
Take time to Remember so that the lessons of the past are not repeated.
D. Sweeney
“Peace is not merely a distant goal that we seek but a means by which we arrive at that goal.” ` Martin Luther King, Jr.