Principal’s Message December 2012

Dear Parents,

As I reflect upon the last few months of our school year I can not help but smile in admiration at how incredible our staff and students are. They epitomize the clichéd term “A Community of Learners”. By definition, a community of individuals are individuals that interact with each other and tend to share common interests. In the case of Meadowlark Christian School the common interest that we share is the desire to be Christ like and help each other be the best that we can be. Despite a very challenging start to the year, the staff at Meadowlark Christian School have not strayed from their focus at helping students be the best that they can be. In fact, they remind me of oysters. Yes, that’s right, oysters. As you know oysters produce magnificent pearls. These pearls begin when irritations get into their shells. The oysters don’t like the irritation, but since they can’t get rid of them they use the irritation to do the loveliest things an oyster ever has the chance to do. Make a pearl! Now don’t get me wrong, I am not referring to our students as “irritations”. The irritation I am referring to is the reality that we are faced with and how our staff has done a marvelous job at turning an “irritation” into a pearl.

The staff has dealt with a number of “irritations” this year that could very well have created a sense of negativity and cynicism. They have navigated their way through the implementation of a brand new student information system which is a monumental task in a good year. They then picked up and moved (without any belongings) to teach in schools and classrooms that were foreign to them when we had a fire in our school. I can’t begin to explain how trying the last few months have been for all of them, yet they continue to work wonders with the children.

If anything, the diversity that MCS has been faced with this year has helped us focus better on what is really important (educationally and spiritually). As Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “When it is dark enough, you can see the stars.” Our students are our stars and we are proud of the accomplishments and how they continue to shine. This is made possible by a staff that never ceases to plan, pray, care and teach the children in our school community.

May Christmas 2012 find each of us better able to lovingly give and to receive, and thus, to understand more fully the miracle of Christmas. During this special season, be assured of my prayers for each of you, members of our Meadowlark Christian School family.

Christmas peace to each of you.

Mr. D. Sweeney