Dear Parents,
I can’t believe that we are now in the second half of the school year. I always feel a bit nostalgic when I start thinking about how fast time moves on. I also am reminded of the importance of making sure every moment is well used!
Keeping one’s focus helps us to use our moments well. In Matthew 22, we are reminded of what the greatest commandment is, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” Throughout the year we at MCS are charged with the responsibility of supporting our students in their development of the 4 Ls; Learning, Living, Leading and Loving. I have seen many, many examples of this in my short time here. Teachers modeling this and students following their examples and reaching out to others. What a blessing that we get to develop this all year and not just in February.
A number of the staff were able to attend Breakforth and have shared parts of the teaching that they heard. One name that has come up a few times is Bob Goff. The message that I keep hearing about him is that he puts love into action. “In the end, love doesn’t just keep thinking about it or keep planning for it. Simply put: love does.” (Bob Goff, Love Does: Discover a Secretly Incredible Life in an Ordinary World). It is inspiring to think that we do not have to move forward once everything is perfectly planned, we just need to move forward and love.
On Monday, Feb. 15, 2016 it is Family Day. A civic holiday created to spend time with your family. I pray that you will find opportunity to be with those that you love and do things that are enduring.
In Christ,
Judy Krahn