MCS Family,
We are about to turn the page on another calendar month and we look ahead with anticipation towards the transition from one season to another.
This is also the time of year where schools in Edmonton Public prepare for Pre-enrolment, the space that finds us planning for next year, while simultaneously carrying our momentum throughout the remaining four months of this school year. With the steady influx of new students to MCS we are looking forward to being able to organize our classes with fewer combined grades than we have had in previous years.
Parents, help us plan for next year by Pre-enrolling your children at MCS through SchoolZone between March 6 – April 14, 2023.
If you are aware of new families that are interested in MCS, please invite them to our open house on March 7, 2023 from 7-8pm or have them call the office at (780) 483-6476 to arrange a tour.
Even with Pre-enrolment on our minds, we are still excited about the many incredible opportunities teachers are organizing for students. These truly formative learning experiences bring our Four L’s to life by empowering students to help real people meet real needs with real work. Currently, we are providing shelf stable food to a community pantry in our neighborhood and have recently delivered over 30 bags of clothes to the Free Ukrainian Store for Newcomers. Later, in April, we will be able to share how we work to serve communities globally as our grade 9 class returns from their service trip to Belize.
Scott Markine, Principal
Meadowlark Christian School