Principal’s Message April 2013

Dear Parents,

As I recently sat watching a hockey game, I was once again reminded of the importance of hard work and determination. The players who stand out are the ones who keep skating and don’t quit. Even when they make mistakes, they simply keep going. In fact, to the contrary, when these standout players do make an error, they play even harder in order to make up for it. As the game nears the end and pressure mounts, the stand out players are the ones who dig deep and find, within themselves, that little bit more.

There is much to be said for simply doing your best. Doing your best will not always ensure that you win, nor will it always mean that you will get the result that you desired. Doing your best means that you have used all of your God given gifts in order to prepare for success. With spring around the corner, this time of year can be an exciting time, but it can also be an overwhelming time. The pressure can mount as new activities begin, test preparation is a regular occurrence and it seems like there is more to accomplish than there is time or energy to do so. Students need to be reminded and encouraged to understand that they can push beyond what they believe they think they can do. This is the time when they will need to persevere and dig a little deeper to ensure that they are doing all they can to prepare themselves for the success that will eventually come.


When you think it doesn’t matter if you fail or pass the test. Keep in mind this simple reason you should always be your best. While the whole world may not notice if you try to give your all, There is a special person to whom it matters if you fall. A little voice within you – which directs your thoughts each day – Will make the final judgment if you won or lost today.

Never can you fail yourself if you give it all you’ve got. The world extends a hand to you when you give life your best shot. For all that really matters when you’re finished with the test Is not the final score at all – but did you do your best.
Copyright © 2004 Tom Krause

Mr. D. Sweeney