Dear Parents,
It has been a busy fall! Throughout this term I have seen our students demonstrating the school vision of Learning, Living, Leading and Loving. From Kindergarten to Grade Nine, the students at MCS have been at work living out the four L‘s. The community of MCS is inclusive and demonstrative of Christ’s command to love Him and love others. What a blessing!
Please mark your calendars and join us on Thursday, December 10 at 7:00 pm at West Meadows Baptist Church (9333-199St. NW). Our students have been working diligently so that they are able to present “Mayhem in Bethlehem” to you.
We are now in the season of Advent and have the hope of calming our hearts and minds as we await the celebration of the birth of our Lord. I have been reading Rick Warren’s The Purpose of Christmas and have been reminded that Christmas is for celebration, salvation and reconciliation. I do not usually have difficulty with the celebration or the salvation purposes, but wondered what Warren meant with the inclusion of reconciliation. Below are some quotes that caused me to wonder.
To the shepherds of Bethlehem, the third announcement of the angel concerned the arrival of the “Prince of Peace.” Jesus would not only teach the way to peace but would empower us to live lives of peace if we would trust him.
“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.”
Luke 2:14 KJV
The reality is that there will never be peace in the world until there’s peace with the nations. And there will never be peace in our nation until there’s peace in our communities. There won’t be peace in our communities until there’s peace in our families. And there won’t be peace in our families until there’s peace in our individual lives. That won’t happen until the Prince of Peace reigns in our hearts. Jesus came at Christmas to give us three kinds of peace; peace with God, The peace of God and peace with others.
This season as you ponder the birth of our Lord, I pray that you will also find His peace.
In Christ,
Judy Krahn