Principal’s Message June 2012
Dear Parents,
Wow! It is already the last month of the 2011-2012 school year. This month staff
and students will, without a doubt, be focused on finishing up courses of study and
preparing for final exams. Please refer to the calendar that is attached for the dates
and times of the grade three, six and Provincial Achievement Tests.
Here are some tips to help your child achieve to their potential in testing situations.
- Review the schedule of tests with your child. As a test approaches,
encourage your child and stress the need to relax and think positively.
- Be sure to provide a quiet, comfortable place for studying at home.
- Encourage your child to be well-rested for the test.
- Healthy bodies make healthy minds. Ensure your child is eating well and
- Regulate their TV watching – grades drop as TV watching increases.
- Talk about exam writing strategies.
- Tell your child to read the test directions carefully and ask questions if
- Suggest to your child that they should skim over all of the exam
questions first so that they can budget their time appropriately.
- Students often waste time on questions they can’t answer, particularly in
multiple choice tests. Tell your child to answer the easy questions first
and then try to figure out the hard ones.
- Help them to forgive themselves when they fall short of their own
- Praise your child for work well done.
With our enrollment in, our staffing decisions for next school year have almost been
completed. I will be sending home a special summer newsletter at the end of June
to let parents know of any changes, teacher assignments and also to provide you
with other information regarding next school year.
Mr. D. Sweeney