Dear Parents,
Wow! I cannot believe that I am close to the end of my first year at Meadowlark Christian. This year has been, without a doubt, the most memorable of my 20 plus years teaching career. Our mission at Meadowlark Christian School is to be a caring community committed to developing excellence in: Learning through academics, Living in Christ, Leading by serving others and Loving with strength of character. In my first year as a school principal I can tell you that: I have learned many, many things, I have lived and grown in my faith in Christ , I have been able to serve the students, staff and community of MCS and I have loved becoming a part of this very special learning community.
Enrollment and staffing decisions will be finalized over the next few weeks and I will update everyone in late August, both on SchoolZone and on our school website, with information regarding the 2014-2015 school year. I can tell you that we are currently planning one class at each grade level, except in grade 8 where we will have two classes and in division two where there will be a grade 5, a grade 6 and a grade 5/6 split class.
Please refer to the attached calendar or check the upcoming events calendar on our school website for the dates and times of the grade 3, 6 and 9 Provincial Achievement Tests (PAT’s). Here are some tips to help your child achieve their learning potential in testing situations:
I hope that you will find some time in your summer break to do things that fill you with joy and happiness and I look forward to welcoming our students back in September for another great year of learning!
Darren Oskoboiny, Principal