Principal’s Message March 2013

Dear Parents,

April is an important month for us here at Meadowlark Christian School. Students and teachers are busily gearing up for the home stretch in their school years. At the administrative level we are very focused on planning for next years school organization. This includes looking at how students will be grouped, timetabling, staffing etc. This process has been underway for quite some time and student pre-enrollment passports will be distributed to students during the second week of March. Once they are returned to us (by April 10th ) we will have a clearer picture of actual numbers for the fall and will be in a better position to make some critical decisions.

Having parental input is critical to our decision making process. In order to facilitate the gathering of parent input we have prepared a short questionnaire that you can complete and return to the school. It is attached to this month’s newsletter, but it will also be posted on SchoolZone and paper copies will be available in the office if you would like to pick one up. We would appreciate having them returned by Thursday, April 11th. They can be returned to your child’s homeroom teacher, directly to the office or emailed to the school ( .

The year is rapidly winding down, but planning for next year is in high gear. As we plan for an organizational structure, our first priority is to utilize our allocated resources in ways that will place the learning needs of our students first. Decisions regarding student groupings and teaching assignments will all be made with the intent of "cranking it up a notch". By that phrase I am referring to the fact that Meadowlark Christian School students currently receive excellent instruction, but we are always striving to be better and to be more responsive to student needs.

Mr. D. Sweeney