Dear Parents,
Once again, the first month of school has come and gone in a blur, I know the month of September has 30 days, but they all seem to have blended together. Sometimes it feels like this might be the story of my life, perhaps you might at times feel the same way.
Stories have been at the front of my mind recently. Each week, a staff member leads a devotion and my first devotional with MCS staff this year focused on the importance of stories in our teaching. We discussed how Jesus recognized the importance of using stories to share his message, of how teachers use stories to help our students learn and the importance of listening to the stories our students have to share with us. The current sermon series at my church is based on The Story, an abridged, chronological version of the bible and this week’s staff devotional had MCS staff sharing good news stories with each other.
The annual Fall Youth Retreat (FYR) for our junior high students was held at Camp Nakamun on September 21-23 and the theme this year was Speak Life: Hope, Love, Live. Workshops at this camp challenged our students to know their story, who they are in Christ and the importance for them to go out and encourage others with positive words and actions.
Meadowlark Christian School also has a story, a wonderfully positive story. It is the story of: a public school system embracing and supporting a Christian Alternative Program; the members of the MCS Foundation whose efforts support the building, our students, our staff and the Christian programming we offer; academic achievement and survey results that we can all be very proud of and finally of families whose commitment to their children and this school help make it the great school it is.
When I meet with students and families who are new to MCS this school year, I am so proud to hear how this wonderful community has welcomed them and we invite and encourage their active participation in the story of Meadowlark Christian School.
Darren Oskoboiny